Palo Santo


Palo Santo


Palo Santo

Palo Santo, otherwise known as ‘Holy Wood” is derived of a mystical tree from the coast of South America. As part of the citrus family, Palo Santo has a sweet aroma including pine, lemon and mint, and is celebrated and enjoyed for its healing and cleansing properties similar to Sage. Palo Santo grounds and clears your energy and provides a positive, uplifting outlook that feels like a breath of fresh air. Think of it as a reset button that further enhances your connection to your spirit guides. Palo Santo is also known to increase creativity and draw in good luck and prosperity.

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Cleansing your stones, or “smudging”, is crucial and incredibly important to clear out any unwanted toxic, heavy, low vibrations of energy and clear the slate to best reap the benefits of their individual energies. Smudging is an ancient practice that has long been tested for energetically clearing a space and releasing dense energies trapped within your environment, your auric field, and your stones. By smudging your bracelets with sacred smoke, you can energetically purify them and restore them to a positive neutral place to continue their manifestational magic. Here are our two favorite sacred herbs to cleanse our bracelets with:


  • White Sage has long been used by Native American tribes for healing and clearing negative or stagnant energy from their surroundings, which is otherwise known as a spiritual purification ritual. When clearing your environment of heavy energies, you are creating a neutral, fresh slate to feel inspired by. Focus your intentions on drawing out unwanted energies, and replacing them with joy, love and serenity instead. It is always beneficial to sage smudge your bracelets on a regular basis, as they can easily pick up unwanted energy over time.

  • Palo Santo, otherwise known as ‘Holy Wood” is derived of a mystical tree from the coast of South America. As part of the citrus family, Palo Santo has a sweet aroma including pine, lemon and mint, and is celebrated and enjoyed for its healing and cleansing properties similar to Sage. Palo Santo grounds and clears your energy and provides a positive, uplifting outlook that feels like a breath of fresh air. Think of it as a reset button that further enhances your connection to your spirit guides. Palo Santo is also known to increase creativity and draw in good luck and prosperity.